Notch : At-height tool manufacturer
Brand name, brand voice and messaging, logo design, brand colors, typography, brand guidelines, product marking, packaging, collateral.
Comprehensive brand project for a manufacturer of at-height equipment, beginning with the name. I achieved the goal of a simple, one-syllable name that resonated with the consumer base and was trademarkable.
The logo was designed to convey strength and kept simple so it could be reduced for product markings. A medium, bright green was chosen for it's uniqueness in the tool market and it's connection to the environment, safety and positivity.
The brand voice and messaging was established to be direct and informative, and to champion proper safety measures in the dangerous at-height professions.
Brand guidelines were created to ensure consistent branding across internal uses, and the external dealers selling the Notch line of tools.

SherrillTree : Tree tool retailer
Brand voice and messaging, logo design, brand colors, typography, brand guidelines, product marking, collateral.
I developed the logo and was a steward of the brand, making sure it always reflected the core values of the company.
This voice was established to be down-to-earth, earnest and helpful. Writing was always done in laymen's terms, and real-world examples and insights were used as much as possible.
All catalogs, collateral, web, and event creative were designed with the brand voice in mind.

Breakers : Hockey Team
Logos (primary and tertiaries), colors, typography, uniform design, merchandise design.
Complete redesign of the team's brand. The color scheme was updated to a sleek black and neon green with silver highlights.
The uniform was designed and then sourced from a manufacturer, requiring custom green fabric to be created.
The final part of the project was the design of team merchandise, using a mixture of the primary and tertiary logos.

ClimbStuff.com : Rock Climbing Gear Retailer
Logo development, brand guidelines
I helped develop the logo for ClimbStuff, and wrote the brand guidelines to establish its look and feel, and convey the brand's messaging. They intended to be a premier supplier and lifestyle brand within the rock climbing market.